"Free and easy" nghĩa là gì?

Môi trường làm việc đơn giản, thoải mái. Photo by Helena Lopes on Unsplash

"Free and easy" -> nghĩa là thoải mái, không câu nệ hình thức.

Ví dụ
Federal court records should be free and easy for the public to access. We're working on it.

To gain Instagram followers free and easy, all you need to do is to keep your audience engaged. Be it tagging your highly active followers, your employees, or even tagging locations.

Apparently, the image of the boy on the first day of meeting made the girl and many netizens unhappy, leaving a pretty bad impression. However, some others said that maybe the young man is free and easy, the girl is overdoing things while she can give advice to the guy to make the next date better.

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