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Forget flowers and candy (quên hoa và kẹo đi). For the male goat (dê đực), nothing signals "come hither" to a female goat like a shot of his own hormonally triggered urine (nước tiểu) to his face. As off-putting (khó chịu, quấy rầy, làm bối rối) as that may sound, it's a natural part of goat behavior and all part of the reproduction process (quá trình sinh sản), according to goat breeders (người chăn nuôi). It can also come as a bit of a shock to those unfamiliar with the behavior.

It happens when a male goat — or buck — is in what breeders call rut, that window of time when a buck's hormones signal he's ready to mate with a female goat — or doe. For most goat breeds this happens when the days start to shorten in July and can last several months. Other breeds, like Nigeria dwarf goats, go into rut in the fall.

...what may smell disgusting to humans is like Axe body spray (nước hoa xịt cơ thể) to goats, Dwyer said. And the goats will spray their urine with all the enthusiasm of a middle school boy with Axe cologne.

...According to Dwyer, male goats will spray their own urine inside their legs, on their beards (râu dê) and on their faces to capture and preserve the strong musky (mùi xạ, thơm như xạ) scent. She said it's impressive just how far they can spray that urine and how well they can aim their own penis (dương vật) to do so.

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Tags: marriage


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