Châu chấu rang lá chanh - món ngon mùa gặt

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người đàn ông sống cách đây hơn 1.000 năm chết do... táo bón vì ăn châu chấu suốt mấy tháng đấy :D

And during the painful months just prior to his death, he ate mainly grasshoppers (châu chấu), the study researchers found.

Apparently, Chagas disease, which is caused by a parasite (động vật ký sinh) called Trypanosoma cruzi, had blocked up the man's gastrointestinal system (hệ tiêu hóa). That blockage caused his colon (ruột kết) to swell to about six times its normal size — a condition called "megacolon." The man was unable to digest foods properly and gradually became malnourished (bị suy dinh dưỡng, thiếu ăn), scientists found. The condition would have made it difficult for the man to walk or even eat on his own. The researchers think that in the last two to three months of his life — either family or members of his community — helped the man eat by feeding him grasshoppers whose legs had been removed.

Tags: science


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