“On the pull” nghĩa là gì?

Photo by David Jackson

“On the pull” -> nghĩa là ra ngoài đi chơi đêm để tìm bạn tình.

Ví dụ
Freed gangster Ger Dundon is on the pull after prison release. The 27-year-old mobster clutches a female pal during boozy night out.

I WAS swept off my feet by a man I thought would be the father of my children. But fast-forward two years and I am convinced he was using me to babysit his children while he went out on the pull. I feel like a complete mug.

The one who is on the pull. This girl loves a flirtatious drinking game and is probably drinking vodka and something. If there are boys at your pres forget about talking to her all evening. If it’s a girls only pres then expect her to be taking fit pictures for her Instagram and casually messaging a few boys to see who is out tonight.

Ka Tina

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