Tuyệt vời, massage không dùng tay

là massage bằng rắn nhé, dám thử không ;)

People in desperate need of pain relief are willing to let carnivorous reptiles slither all over their bodies — and faces — at a small spa in Cairo.

As soothing (dịu dàng, êm dịu, dễ chịu) music pumps through the sound system, masseurs rub oil on clients’ backs — before introducing a combination of pythons (con trăn) or around 28 different types of non-venomous snakes (rắn) in the adrenaline-fueled 30-minute session.

Masseuse and spa owner Safwat Sedki said snake massages help reduce muscle and joint pain while improving blood circulation (tăng cường lưu thông máu, hoạt huyết) and releasing endorphins.

Tags: health


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