"Suspension of disbelief" nghĩa là gì?

Myke Simon on Unsplash

"Suspension of disbelief" = đừng nghi ngờ nữa -> nghĩa là tránh suy đoán logic các tác phẩm hư cấu, cứ vui vẻ xem/đọc thôi. 

Ví dụ
However, the show only committed as much as it had to rather than truly embracing and experimenting with the limitations (giới hạn) of a sitcom. “WandaVision” was too comfortable to break the suspension of disbelief for a convenient camera shot.

Most sports movies require a suspension of disbelief somewhere along the way. The Karate Kid asks you to believe at least five completely implausible (không hợp lý) things for it to work at all.

And one doesn't need a deep dive on why it doesn't work. One guy is a dad who shows up in a weird jersey (áo nịt len) and some Jordans for his matches. The other is a literal monster who towers (vượt xa) over the rest of the roster. There's a suspension of disbelief that comes with wrestling, but this one is a step too far and a little too silly. 

Likely to be the first question viewers of Zack Snyder's Justice League ask, explaining what Anti-Life actually is requires a suspension of disbelief. 

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