"Teeth chattering" nghĩa là gì?

Spencer Backman on Unsplash

"Teeth chattering" = răng lập cập -> nghĩa là lạnh, run lập cập.

Ví dụ
"In a world and in a life where we are surrounded by a lot of rules and technology and problems, the act of swimming in a pond (cái ao), especially cold water, is very raw and very pure," he added, his teeth chattering slightly.

Priests (thầy tu) and the Bishop of Paisley have been secretly shivering as the thermometer (nhiệt kế) plunged as low as MINUS SEVEN inside their cathedral. The teeth-chattering temperatures have also been endured by funeral mourners (người khóc thương) . . . as nobody else had been allowed through the door all winter.

Natwest, Barclays and Virgin Money were positively heaving, with queues stretching from each premises. Most of the clientele (khách hàng) were middle-aged - their teeth chattering in the cold as they waited to be ushered in to conduct their ‘essential banking’.

According to the long-term weather forecast from Accuweather, temperatures on Easter are only just predicted (dự đoán) to touch 10 degrees at the warmest part of the day - while the low temperature is set to be a teeth-chattering one degree above zero.

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