"Throw into disarray" nghĩa là gì?

Ricardo Viana on Unsplash

"Throw into disarray" có disarray là xáo trộn -> cụm từ này nghĩa là gây rối, náo loạn, gây bất bình trong nhóm, tổ chức. 

Ví dụ
Be that as it may, Munya’s entry stands to throw into disarray, plans by the pack of bigwigs (quan to) seeking to be the ones negotiating (thương lượng) the region’s share of the national cake.

If the legislation (dự luật) doesn’t become law, it will mark the end of a streak (chuỗi liên tiếp) of 59 consecutive years of success for the defense budget policy measure, and throw into disarray hundreds of planned Pentagon reforms, program starts and specialty pay reauthorizations.

The resistance—unusual among Disney’s famously loyal workforce—could throw into disarray plans that Disney executives have spent months crafting (gây dựng) and are in the early stages of executing. The first wave of workers has been told they will be called off furlough (nghỉ phép) and expected to report back to work in the coming weeks.

The new education policy will throw into disarray the present education system and inconvenience general students. It will also throw open the education sector to private players and they will make it out of the reach of the poor students who solely depend on state-run educational institutes.

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