"X ray eyes" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Zoltan Tasi

"X ray eyes" = ánh mắt tia X -> nghĩa là có thể nhìn thấu, biết rõ nội tình vấn đề gì, thường dùng trong câu hỏi “have you got x-ray eyes”; 'có con mắt thứ 3 à?'.

Ví dụ
The dealer pulls a pair of kings and Austin loses. The lesson here is to hit on 5, and unless you have a pair of X-Ray eyes, never hit on hard 17.

“You won’t know that from just sitting at home and watching your stomach grow. Next thing, you go to get an ultrasound and your baby has passed away. We don’t have X-ray eyes unfortunately, so we can’t see the problems inside. The psychology behind that is insane because you start to think about what could be wrong with you and how you could let this happen. But we don’t have control over this condition while the child is still in the womb (tử cung, dạ con, lòng mẹ).”

“I can absolutely understand why an on-field umpire gets a good view of the catch inside the inner circle, but when it is out on the boundary, 50 metres away, there’s no way that the standing umpire can see whether Dawid Malan has caught that,” Atherton said. “So the soft signal for boundary catches is nonsense. You just send it upstairs and let the third umpire make his call. There’s no way that the standing umpire can see that: he has not got X-ray eyes from 50 yards away.” — TNS

Ka Tina

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