"A harebrained idea" nghĩa là gì?

Michal Matlon on Unsplash

"A harebrained idea" có harebrained là liều lĩnh -> nghĩa là ý kiến, gợi ý ngu ngốc, không thực tế.

Ví dụ
It may seem like a harebrained idea, but one popular pandemic pet seems to be chickens. The start of the pandemic saw more people buying chickens to raise (nuôi lớn) right in their own backyards and it seems the trend (phong trào) is holding strong. Several pet stores told CBS13 they’ve never seen anything like it.

Asking working Americans to give up even one dime of their future Social Security benefits to survive today’s economic crisis (khủng hoảng) is a harebrained idea that would hurt families for decades to come.

Fortune spoke to four of Peloton’s five cofounders (đồng sáng lập)—the ones who are still with the company—to better understand how they turned a harebrained idea into such a sensation (tin giật gân). The video interview took place in January, and featured John Foley, Peloton’s chief executive, along with his three closest and longest-serving lieutenants.

Chances are, you’ve done at least a couple of big adventure rides in the past that served as de facto (thực tế) events for the simple reason that someone cooked up (nảy ra) a harebrained idea and invited you along.

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