"Ambulance chaser" nghĩa là gì?

Ian Taylor on Unsplash

"Ambulance chaser" = rượt đuổi xe cứu thương -> nghĩa là luật sư cố gắng có việc làm bằng cách thuyết phục nạn nhân đòi tiền đền bù từ bên chịu trách nhiệm cho tai nạn đã gây ra.

Ví dụ
"I don’t want to be an ambulance chaser.  I don’t want to call people and say, ‘hey I heard you had a homicide (giết nguời) in your family or something.’  I want be able to gift this book and we need resources to do it." 

Buzbee is looking more and more like the stereotypical (khuôn mẫu) ambulance chaser. He’s full of bluster (hăm dọa) and makes big accusations (kết án), but never backs any of it up. The fact that not one of his clients has previously made a criminal complaint really torpedoes (tấn công) his most outrageous claims.

"Ambulance chaser" is a term that refers to an attorney who goes to the scene of an accident and solicits (khẩn khoản) clients. This practice is unethical (vô đạo đức) and, because it is so effective, it is also illegal. Robert Herjavec, the famous Shark, said it best: "You got to really understand where your customers are ... Go where your customers are."

Tom Stebbins, from the Lawsuit Reform Alliance of New York, said that “revoking (thu hồi) those protections, as this bill does, will activate every ambulance chaser in New York state.” His group hopes the repeal (hủy bỏ) of immunity will only apply to cases going forward, and not actions that were taken during the height of the pandemic.

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