"Break the back of the beast" nghĩa là gì?

Leo lên luôn chứ không bẻ =)) Ramiro Pianarosa on Unsplash

"Break the back of the beast" = bẻ gãy lưng con quái thú -> nghĩa là vượt qua khó khăn, thử thách.

Ví dụ
It would take a special squad (biệt đội), the ‘encounter specialists’, to break the back of the beast that was created as a byproduct of Prohibition.

Well, we are now in a period (giai đoạn) of consequences.  We have got to break the back of the Beast, and break the barricade of blandishments (xu nịnh) and lies that Beast has built around Congress. This campaign of denial—this Beast—is as poisonous (độc tố) to our democracy as carbon pollution is to our atmosphere and oceans. 

Policy-makers are one in saying that any tax reform measure will always be met with doubts, but the Duterte administration’s economic managers were able to break the back of the beast, so to speak, after the first tax reform package was signed into law in December 2017.

Therefore, in order to break the back of the beast, the three of them need the spirit (tinh thần) of cooperation. Will they manage to overcome the adversities in their journey and reach their destination safely?

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