"In a stitherum" nghĩa là gì?

June O on Unsplash

"In a stitherum" -> nghĩa là trong trạng thái kích động, xúc động, bối rối.

Ví dụ
A myriad of situations may put a legal practitioner in a stitherum on whether Nigerian Courts would recognize unjust enrichment as a cause of action and whether restitution would be an appropriate remedial (cứu chữa) action.

The pigs were kept on the premises (trong nhà) of a retired farmer who was always in a stitherum because one of the Ministry of Agriculture people would come along sometimes, kill one of the hens and open its crop. If he found corn in it, he was for the high jump. 

Aranya Kand in Ramcharitmanas is only one kand. There are many more kands in the book and many more kands to come in our lives. Good, bad, sad, happy. They have to come one after the other, in a cycle in our lives. You can’t remain stuck in Aranya Kand all your life. Tum jao, khush raho.

She saw her Arnavji fainting (ngất) due to low sugar, his knees buckling, standing up only by the support of her arms and frail body and she had got herself in a stitherum...

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