"Non sequitur" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Carine L. on Unsplash

"Non sequitur" -> nghĩa lời tuyên bố khác, không đúng với lời tuyên bố được đưa ra trước đó.

Ví dụ
“China’s military investments (đầu tư) match its desire to out-compete America and hold our military forces at risk,” five senior GOP senators said. “President Biden’s defense spending cut doesn’t even keep up with inflation (lạm phát).” Don’t blink, or you might miss the non-sequitur.

I emailed Trillhaase directly to make certain we were looking at the same document and was answered with a request to write a letter to the editor, a non sequitur response that sounded to me like being told to, well, let’s say go jump in the lake.

I began to treat conversations (cuộc trò chuyện) like a game: I strove to make people laugh. I used sarcasm (mỉa mai), irony and puns, enjoying the slipperiness of the words, feeling victorious each time I elicited a laugh, even if it was at someone else’s expense. Leaping from one non sequitur to the next, I began to feel wittier than others.

In a competitive field, Putin’s remarkable non sequitur was the highlight (điểm nhấn) of his State of The Nation address. There was something in there for everyone, though. 

Ngọc Lân

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