"Salt away" nghĩa là gì?

Tôi sẽ là triệu phú vào năm 30 tuổi! Photo courtesy: Helen Orozco

"Salt away" = ướp muối -> nghĩa là để dành, tiết kiệm (tiền).

Ví dụ
Dan Egan, vice president of behavioral finance and investing at Betterment, said that’s because the strategy reduces people’s chances of impulsively spending (tiêu tiền quá độ) money they had hoped to salt away.

But Republicans would prefer to see those dollars spent on projects that could help Colorado recover from the recession. “The 30-year average of reserves is 3%,” noted Sen. Paul Lundeen, R-Monument. He questioned whether the state should salt away money in its bank account, or use it on projects that will return economic activity, restore jobs and help K-12 students catch up on ground they’ve lost due to the pandemic.

Some Americans, though, have accumulated cash reserves during the economic uncertainty of the pandemic. The personal savings rate spiked to a record 33% in April and was still almost 18% in July, double what it was throughout 2019, according to the federal Bureau of Economic Analysis. It can be demoralizing (nản lòng) to salt away cash only to see it earn anemic (teo tóp) interest. But it is important to keep in mind the purpose of the money you are holding, said Malissa Marshall, a certified financial planner in Vermont.

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