“Wise as Solomon” nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Ben White

“Wise as Solomon” = khôn ngoan như vua Sa-lô-môn -> nghĩa là rất khôn ngoan, sáng suốt.

Ví dụ
Granted McConnell’s acknowledgement arrived even after Russia President Vladimir Putin had extended his personal congratulations to the president-elect. But why be a stickler when you have old Rand around to make you appear as wise as Solomon?

We do not have control over most things in life, how you were born, which womb you came from and your race … Life is a deep mystery no one even as wise as Solomon can tell you they understand life … There is going to come a time when we will see clearly as Jesus sees … Nobody has control over life, this time yesterday if anyone had told me this is how it will be, I would have said it is impossible. Life is nothing.

Let’s be clear. Ram Charan’s recommendation is wrong. CEOs and organization leaders who read only his column (or worse, only the title) and split HR as he suggests, will make a serious mistake that will destroy value for their shareholders and constituents. While he may be wrong, he may also be as wise as Solomon. Wikipedia describes the parable (ngụ ngôn, tục ngữ) of Solomon from the Bible: “The Judgment of Solomon refers to a story from the Hebrew Bible in which King Solomon of Israel ruled between two women both claiming to be the mother of a child by tricking the parties into revealing their true feelings.” In the parable, Solomon’s suggestion to cut the baby in half motivated the baby’s true mother to reveal herself by imploring Solomon to give the baby to the other woman, rather than see it killed. Everyone can see the harm in cutting a baby in half, so the maneuver (cuộc thao diễn, diễn tập) works.

Ka Tina

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