"All horns and rattles" nghĩa là gì?

"All horns and rattles" = toàn sừng (bò) và đuôi (rắn) -> nghĩa là giận dữ.

Ví dụ 
Joe's been all horns and rattles since the lawsuit.

Would you stop yelling and being all horns and rattles? I'm just trying to have a calm conversation with you!

The Blue Jackets, dear friends, are hot under the collar. They’re pissed off. They’re all horns and rattles and boy, they’re chewing fire. This is an unusual (but welcomed) introduction to the bible of preseason storylines, and it’s fixing to be a theme throughout 2019-20, especially as it pertains (gắn liền) to this team.

Thùy Dương

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