"Have a rod in pickle" nghĩa là gì?

Vũ khí trên tay, tư thế sẵn sàng. Photo by Ravi Palwe on Unsplash

"Have a rod in pickle" = để sẵn roi -> nghĩa là hình phạt, đòn trả đũa (để sẵn) lôi ra dùng trong tương lai.

Ví dụ 
But, my son, I have a rod in pickle for you.

I have a rod in pickle for Tom when he returns home.

The political managers in the city think they have a rod in pickle for their opponents that will make them whine about the time of the city election.

The standard of refereeing (trọng tài) was atrocious (hung bạo). Absolutely appalling! The team who came out winning, actually won because the referee made so many (what seemed like deliberate) mistakes. The said referee was supposed to be the best on the island. He just seemed to have a rod in pickle for one of the teams and wanted to spoil it. I thought bias (thiên vị) referee was a thing of the past. 

Thùy Dương

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