"Turn into a pumpkin" nghĩa là gì?

"Turn into a pumpkin" -> nghĩa là phải về nhà, đi ngủ vì quá khuya (câu chuyện của Lọ Lem có cỗ xe ma thuật biến thành quả bí ngô lúc nửa đêm).

Ví dụ 
I've had a wonderful time, but I'm turning into a pumpkin. I think I'll call a cab and head home.

Someone even quipped (châm biếm): "Does Anne-Marie turn into a pumpkin if the show doesn't finish by midnight?"

As much as the end of one year and the start of a new one tends to inspire a sense of hope (as it should), it doesn't necessarily mean that the chaos of the past year will turn into a pumpkin when the clock strikes midnight.

Thùy Dương

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