Bí quyết hết run khi ở hội nghị

'reframe', coi run đó ko phải vì căng thẳng mà vì phấn khích, đầy năng lượng nhé...
Dear Dan,

Before giving any talk or presentation, I get incredibly stressed out. My heart starts pounding (tim đập nhanh), I sweat (vã mồ hôi), and I breathe much faster (thở gấp). Unfortunately giving talks and presentations on a regular basis is a big part of my job. What can I do?

Changing how we think about stress can, by itself, make us less stressed and healthier. How? Instead of interpreting those physical changes—sweat, pounding heart, heavy breathing—as signs that you’re not coping well with the pressure (áp lực), try to see them as signs that your body is energized for the task. Interpret your pounding heart as preparing you for action and your breathing as ensuring that more oxygen is getting to your brain.

This strategy is known as cognitive reappraisal. Studies have shown that viewing stress in this way makes people less anxious and more confident. As a bonus, it brings about a healthier cardiovascular profile. How we think about stress affects both our behavior and our health.

Tags: work

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