"Baby boomer" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Esther Ann on Unsplash

"Baby boomer" -> nghĩa là những nguời được sinh ra trong thời điểm bùng nổ trẻ em, nhất là ở Anh và Mỹ sau Thế Chiến II.

Ví dụ
Minneapolis, San Francisco and San Jose, California have the lowest percentages (tỉ lệ phần trăm) of Baby Boomer buyers.

Boomers, born from 1946 through 1964, still have the majority (chủ yếu), accounting for 56% of the House and nearly 68% of the Senate. But that’s down from 59% and 83% in the previous session. That puts the Kansas Legislature more in line with Congress, where 53% of representatives and 68% of senators are baby boomers, according to the Pew Research Center.

Klein quoted (trích dẫn) her book’s claim that “baby boomers have been responsible (chịu trách nhiệm) for the most dramatic sundering (tách ra) of western civilization since the Protestant Reformation.” Andrews maintained that claim was not hyperbole.

Baby boomer divorces—a phenomenon (hiện tượng) also known as “gray” divorces—are surging. The Pew Research Center notes that divorce rates for people age 50 and over have doubled since 1990.

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