"Be in good odor with billionaires" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Chewy on Unsplash

"Be in good odor with (one)" có odor là tiếng tăm -> cụm từ này nghĩa là có mối quan hệ tốt, thân mật, có cảm tình.

Ví dụ 
Your sister is in good odor with her teachers because she always completes her homework on time.

I've been in good odor with my next-door neighbor ever since I brought her some of my homemade cookies.

He is aware that Hal will someday become king, and he means to have favor from it. When he rages at Hal, which he sometimes does, it is in self-defense; he means to be in good odor with the future king. Gero gets this and shows it, as he gets and shows all of Falstaff.

As Michael Porter of Harvard Business School observes, "America is more interested than ever in the problem of inequality (không công minh) and social fracture (rạn nứt), and more dependent than ever on explainers who happen to be in good odor with billionaires".

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