"Booby trap" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by James Lee on Unsplash

"Booby trap" -> nghĩa là bẫy treo, mìn treo.

Ví dụ
Police say the home was not fit for occupancy (cư trú) because it had no heat, running water or electricity. He was found asleep on a bed behind a plastic curtain (rèm). Police noticed the booby trap “ominously” mounted with a “string type activation mechanism.”

A dog walker was shocked to discover the ‘booby trap’ at Lenton Recreation Ground in Lenton during a Sunday stroll (đi dạo).

A giant boulder (tảng đá) hurtling (va chạm) down an inescapable passage; a wall of crossbows that fire the moment a golden item is touched; a pit of spikes beneath a carefully-laid straw floor. These are just some of the booby traps that have become synonymous with the tombs of ancient rulers, whether it be Indiana Jones or Lara Croft exploring their depths. 

Troopers obtained a search warrant and made entry, according to the press release. Broadstone had barricaded (rào chắn) himself inside his home and police said he resisted. After the troopers entered the home, police said they found Broadstone had set up a booby trap and made other preparations to harm police.

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