"Cling like shit to a shovel" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by John Bogna on Unsplash

"Cling like shit to a shovel" = bám dính như phân dính xẻng -> nghĩa (lóng, thô tục) là quá dựa dẫm, hoặc dành hết thời gian cho ai.

Ví dụ 
He hates her, but he sticks like shit to a shovel.

This glue clings like shit to a shovel—good luck getting it off your hands.

Children nowadays are often pampered and cared for carefully, so they are easily dependent and cling to their parents and adults like shit to a shovel. Unable to be independent even in the smallest things, our children will face many difficulties when encountering life and social interaction.

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