"Complete shambles" nghĩa là gì?

"Complete shambles" có shambles là lóng ngóng -> cụm từ này nghĩa là trạng thái rối bời, lộn xộn, không gọn gàng.

Ví dụ
Aberdeen is in a terrible mess through totally ridiculous (nực cười) ideas – Union Terrace Gardens, the Art Gallery etc. No one is ever accountable (chịu trách nhiệm) for the complete shambles they have created. Our local paper needs to stand up for the people of Aberdeen and investigate what are the financial implications (hàm ý) of all these fantasy ideas.

Human trafficking (buôn lậu), rampant (phát triển) drugs coming, here again, multiple abuses of minor immigrants, our election system complete shambles. No clear direction of "who" is running this country, or "who" is funding rioting (bạo loạn), mayhem and destruction of Democrat-controlled cities across the USA (that "all of" us taxpayers, are now paying for, with billions of wasted tax dollars.

One reader got in touch describing it as a “complete shambles” while several people reported on social media that they had given up on waiting and gone home as a result of the delay.

India is facing a devastating (tàn phá) second wave of COVID-19, which has left the health care system in complete shambles with most hospitals struggling with essential supplies like oxygen, ventilators, beds and life-saving medicines.

Ngọc Lân

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