"Darby and Joan" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Sven Mieke on Unsplash

"Darby and Joan" = Darby và Joan -> nghĩa là cặp vợ chồng già sống hòa thuận với nhau. 

Ví dụ
“He was such a wonderful person, generous (hào phóng), empathetic and an absolute gentleman,” said Rowley, who called McPhail and his wife Anne, Darby and Joan. “They were sort of my surrogate (đại diện) parents. They nurtured (nuôi lớn) me, gave me love ... they were a lovely family of warmth in my life.”

Theoretically, this is the exercise where people of a certain (nhất định) age who are developing dodgy knees and backs or who find the empty nest, family-sized house hard to justify when it’s just Darby and Joan and the old dog in situ, sell up.

“He’s unsung (không được ca ngợi) for the total support he gives to the Queen,” a Royal Household insider once told author Sarah Bradford. “They’re like Darby and Joan now – it’s very sweet really.”

“That’s the chap as married Hannah.” It means “That’s what I need” (Nottingham, 1900). No one could explain it, but there must have been a story about some modern-day Darby and Joan behind it. Enjoy life while it lasts, and apes, well, apes can wait.

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