"Double entendre" nghĩa là gì?

"Double entendre" -> nghĩa là câu, từ hai nghĩa, nghĩa kia thường hàm ý tình dục (nghĩ bậy).

Ví dụ
Today host Karl Stefanovic was caught giggling (cười khúc khích) like a teenage boy during Tuesday morning's program, after his co-host Allison Langdon accidentally made a slightly rude double entendre.

One of them is W.A.P, which stands for “We Always Use Protection” in the bus campaign (chiến dịch). The message is a double entendre, playing off a sexually-explicit acronym (viết tắt) popularized by Cardi B’s hit song.

You can’t make this up! I don’t know if a double entendre was intended (có chủ ý), but it definitely raises questions. Some have been commenting, why can’t there be penetration and protection?

Rams are also known for their sharp wit and are queens of the double entendre who will regale (thiết đãi) you with a good “That’s what she said,” at the most unexpected and perfectly inappropriate moments. (And if you ever thought some of their dirty “jokes” were a little too specific, you were probably right.) 

Ngọc Lân

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