"Ear-mark" nghĩa là gì?

"Ear-mark" -> nghĩa là 'dành riêng' (vốn, nguồn lực... cho nhiệm vụ, dự án cụ thể).

Ví dụ
A spokesperson of Directorate of Health Services Kashmir said in order to contain the virus spread in rural (nông thôn) areas, the director directed the CMOs to ear mark five beds in each panchayat.

Spotrac has the Panthers with about $32 million in cap space, but remember to ear mark at least $10 million of that for the incoming rookie class. 

The public health sector has seen a drop (giảm sút) of 3,418 smokers receiving pharmacological treatment to kick the habit, while the government refuses to ear-mark tobacco duties for quit-smoking programmes.

After the disruption (gián đoạn) that took place in 2020, it would be fair to assume most businesses are reluctant to ear-mark budget for upgrades. Yet 68% of respondents said they were now more likely to invest in greener (mới toanh) technology or new equipment to improve energy efficiency and emissions since the emergence of COVID-19.

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