"Elementary, my dear Watson" nghĩa là gì?

"Elementary, my dear Watson" = 'cơ bản mà, Watson' -> nghĩa là lời của Sherlock Holmes nói với bác sĩ Watson khi giải thích suy luận của mình; giờ thanh niên nói chuyện cũng hay bắt chước vậy 'đơn giản mà, bạn của tôi'.

Ví dụ
After Enola Holmes was viewed by over 76 million households (gia đình), Netflix’s decision to order up a sequel was elementary, my dear Watson. Via The Hollywood Reporter, stars Henry Cavill and Millie Bobby Brown will reprise (diễn lại) their roles as Sherlock Holmes and his brilliant, rebellious teen sister.

Why do I believe this? It’s elementary, my dear Watson. This is all about a simple process of elimination (loại trừ). Trust me, when we look at the other Scotia North Division options, you’ll quickly get on board. Led by their underrated (bị đánh giá thấp) superstar Mark Scheifele, the men from Manitoba should definitely be Canada’s team and Calgary’s choice now that our boys in red are getting set for golf season.

Sherlock Holmes fans know he never really said “Elementary, my dear Watson” but this is more a series based on a series (the British Sherlock) which reimagines the detective (thám tử) as a drug-addicted cop (Jonny Lee Miller) and gives meaty roles to women — Lucy Liu is Watson.

By coincidence, we were discussing misquotations (trích dẫn sai) yesterday, the subject of another of my Top 10s. Oliver Kamm is to be congratulated on running down the source of No 4 in my list, "Elementary, my dear Watson." Holmes never says it in Conan Doyle's books, although he does in some of the films. 

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