"Face that launched a thousand ships" nghĩa là gì?

"Face that launched a thousand ships" = khuôn mặt hạ thủy hàng ngàn con tàu -> nghĩa là câu chuyện về nhân vật thần thoại Helen thành Troy (hay như có người nói là: Nữ thần Sắc đẹp), khi nàng bị Paris bắt cóc, một hạm đội hàng ngàn con tàu sẵn sàng chinh chiến, mở màn cho cuộc chiến thành Troy.

Ví dụ
“The Iliad,” reduced to its bare bones in this retelling (bản kể lại mới), is the story of the Trojan War and how Prince Paris either steals or elopes (chạy trốn) with Helen (we’re still not entirely sure), the famous beauty who English playwright Christopher Marlowe famously said had “the face that launched a thousand ships,” and is married to the Greek king Menelaus. After Paris absconds with her to Troy, Menelaus and his brother, Agamemnon, assemble warriors from every corner of Greece. 

There was “the face that launched a thousand ships” and Woodstock was the festival that launched a thousand festivals. Even if you don’t like hippie music, you’ve got to hand (truyền cho) it to this festival-turned-declared-national-disaster for spearheading (dẫn đầu) the concert format on such a wide scale. We owe it all to Woodstock.

This reading is echoed by the names of the film's female characters, Mary, the mother of Christ, and Helen, the adulterous (ngoại tình) owner of the face that launched a thousand ships. For Adam, neither of these women is full people, and Helen's transformation into a spider suggests that she has become just another sex object for him. 

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