"Habit cures habit" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Adrien King on Unsplash

"Habit cures habit" -> nghĩa là dùng thuốc có chất độc để trị bệnh ác tính; 'dĩ độc trị độc'.

Ví dụ 
The strange methods 'habit cures habit' in medicine. Arsenic, snake venom, foxglove, or hemlock (cây độc cần)... are extremely poisonous (độc) things that can be deadly, but are also used as a cure in medicine.

The discovery of a solution to "habit cures habit" to inhibit (ức chế) cancer cells by American scientists has opened up the possibility of inhibiting cancer cells, providing a chance to live for millions of people around the planet. and step by step prevent the global threat.

Homeopathy (phép chữa vi lượng đồng cân) was invented in the late 18th century by a German physician named Samuel Christian Hahnemann. This is a therapy based on the natural law of "habit cures habit". In other words, something that causes symptoms in a healthy person can be used to treat a disease with similar symptoms by activating the body's natural defenses.

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