"Muff your lines" nghĩa là gì?

"Muff (one's) lines" có muff là trượt, hụt, lines là dòng chữ -> cụm từ này nghĩa là quên, bỏ sót những từ cần nói trong bài phát biểu, vở kịch.

Ví dụ 
So be very careful not to muff your lines. Have you got your dialogue memorized?

I had learned the speech off by heart, but I was so emotional that I started muffing my lines about halfway through.

Watching Joe Biden muff his lines, say the wrong thing, and meander off point over the past few months has reminded me of Chauncey.

The stage would seem to be set for some dramatic new developments in the Middle East. But one of the leading actors may yet muff his lines - or deliver them so ambiguously (mơ hồ) that the audience may be hard-pressed to tell what's happened.

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