"Sadder but wiser" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Casey Schackow

"Sadder but wiser" = buồn nhưng lại khôn ra -> nghĩa là trải qua khó khăn, thử thách mới nhận thấy rõ vấn đề, rút ra được bài học kinh nghiệm.

Ví dụ
Think of everything she's seen, or could have seen, from her watery home: Bootleggers' trucks laden with Canadian whiskey, settling on the bottom after falling through the ice. Guns too many to number splashing through the surface, fresh from a felony. Maybe some engagement rings, accompanied by sadder-but-wiser tears.

Martyrdom (tử vì đạo) seemed to be a realm in which ancient and contemporary Christianity encountered each other. To study martyrs (liệt sĩ, tử vì đạo) was to erase the distance in time between the pure religion of the earliest believers and the sadder but wiser religiosity (lòng mộ đạo, tín ngưỡng) of the moderns; to see, perhaps, the possibility of living an ancient life.

The new administration will begin its Middle East policymaking sadder but wiser. Senior officials bear all the scars of past actions and inactions (sự ì, thiếu hoạt động). This team, starting with Biden, shared the nation’s desire to intervene (can thiệp, xen vào) after Sept. 11, 2001 — into Afghanistan, then Iraq, then Libya. But they learned to distrust this interventionist (người can thiệp) impulse.

Ka Tina

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