"Soil your hands" nghĩa là gì?

"Soil one's hands" -> nghĩa là nhúng tay vào việc dơ bẩn, làm việc phi pháp, bất chính.

Ví dụ
WeeSure, a pregnancy testing device developed by Poonam Gupta, does not involve storing or collecting urine in a dropper or a cup. It is a modern pregnancy device shaped like a funnel (cái phễu, ống khói), which allows you to stand and pee into, and indicates your pregnancy status in just 60 seconds. You don’t even have to sit on the toilet or soil your hands in any way.

So for corporate leaders, effectively combating corruption is, first and foremost, about a critical attitude to one’s own perspective on corruption (tham nhũng). Do not hold the idea of corruption at arm’s length, as though it were a problem too sordid (bẩn thỉu, nhớp nhúa) to soil your hands with. Question your notions of what integrity looks like; consider the possibility that, in the complexity of business relationships, integrity sometimes shakes hands with corruption.

The clergyman (giáo sĩ, tu sĩ) further challenged Ememanka to serve with the fear of God and not to soil his hands in order to elicit God’s grace like Daniel. “Daniel was a carrier of God and every man or woman who is a carrier of God will be honoured and favoured by men and feared by demons. “If a man does not soil his hands with demons, he will be honoured by God and men will seek you. “So dare, like Daniel, to be clean and refuse to soil your hands in pursuit of your political career and you will get to where you are going,” Obioma said. He said that changing Daniel’s name, which meant “God is my Judge” to Beltheshazzar, meaning “preserve him Oh Baal, an ungodly name, did not change his character.”

Ka Tina

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