"Sisyphean task" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by fran hogan on Unsplash

"Sisyphean task" -> nghĩa là công việc vô ích, không có kết quả, kéo dài vô tận.

Ví dụ
Achieving even a degree of digital privacy can feel like a Sisyphean task — or a rigged (sắp đặt) game of whack-a-mole. Innovations like so-called privacy-first web browsers and encrypted message services solve (giải quyết) specific challenges, but they come alongside the proliferation (nảy nở) of facial recognition and big-data harvesting for highly targeted advertising.

Dust is an inevitable (không thể tránh được) part of life. It settles on surfaces and in corners almost as soon as you’ve removed it, and for that reason, dusting seems like a Sisyphean task. But ask any cleaning expert and they will tell you that, like disinfecting, dusting is a critical part of cleaning your home.

It's a Sisyphean task that several technology experts tell Salon the platform can never truly accomplish (hoàn thiện) — as soon as you ban (cấm) one page reposting the former president's comments another five will pop up to take its place.

As an example, a typical identity (danh tính) attached to a resource might have something like 30 lines of code for permissions in the current state, but to achieve least privilege, often needs hundreds of lines. Even small organizations typically have thousands of users and resources, so this very quickly becomes a truly Sisyphean task for anyone.

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