"Still and all" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Steven Lasry

"(But) still and all" -> nghĩa là tuy nhiên, tuy thế mà, song, v.v...

Ví dụ
Still and all, he waltzed on to the Hurling Team of the Century and was also chosen, at number six, for the Hurling Team of the Millennium. The accomplishments are gold standard even if Waterford is easygoing about him.

“We gave him a little bit of a heads up,” Davey Martinez told reporters after the game, “but still and all, to come out there after the first inning and go out there and do what he does, that was huge. He picked us all up today.”

"Even with all the guidelines, still and all, it will be interpreted by the ordinary foot soldier, the ordinary police officer, and they will look at somebody, you look like a terrorist, a leftist (người phái tả), communist (cộng sản), so come to jail, you're here 14 days, and then later on you are released, but it has already created damage. Turns out they were wrong, you're not a terrorist (khủng bố)...you're not Marxist Joma Sison, but Marxist Adorno or Marxist Gramsci," said Leonen in a mix of English and Filipino.

Ka Tina

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