Người giàu có đáng ghét?

mọi thứ mới, cần thiết cho cuộc sống hôm nay, ban đầu đều chỉ là "đồ chơi" của người giàu đấy...

Singling out certain kinds of activities as parasitic (“value extracting”) reveals an amateurish understanding of how an economy works. “Value extracting” financial businesses, the usual example these days favored by the amateurs, in fact directs resources to entrepreneurs under innovism. New ideas are commonly “inessential” at first: how can you consider essential something you don’t know yet? The bicycle and the auto were at first rich men’s toys. In 1783 in France Benjamin Franklin was present at the first manned ascent in a hot-air balloon. A companion snorted, “What is the use of that?!” To which Ben replied, “What is the use of a newborn child?”

Tags: economics

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