"The Hatfields and the McCoys" nghĩa là gì?

"The Hatfields and the McCoys" = gia đình Hatfield với McCoys (hai họ trong làng quê dọc biên giới giữa Kentucky và Tây Virginia có mối thù nổi tiếng trong lịch sử) -> cụm từ này nghĩa là nhóm, đảng phái bất kỳ có mối quan hệ thù địch, đấu đá nội bộ gay gắt.

Ví dụ
In this country now, Jews marrying non-Jews, Catholics marrying non-Catholics, Protestants marrying non-Protestants, doesn’t mean as much to families as it did 100 years ago. But a marriage which involved families divided by their loyalties to Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump would rival in discord a reunion of the Hatfields and the McCoys.

These days when I hear the phrase "sign war," I assume the worst. It’s neighbors going at it on the town Facebook page, battling it out like the Hatfields and the McCoys, if the Hatfields supported Black Lives Matter and the McCoys supported Back the Blue. It’s people disrespecting their neighbor’s Biden and Trump signs or stealing campaign signs for the local school committee candidate. We’re living in a time of absolute extremes, where there is no middle ground, no shades of gray, no compromise. You’re either on our side or “the other” side. There is no in-between.

The Feud concerns the twenty-five year conflict between two American families, the Hatfields and the McCoys, living along the banks of the Tug River on the Kentucky-West Virginia border. From approximately 1865 to 1890, the families fight like badgers despite intermarriage. Though far from the American West, they live an unvarnished pioneer existence, lacking telegraphs, rails, and schools. “In an isolated pocket of the southern Appalachian Mountains,” King writes, “two Old World families, suspended in geographic convolutions as ancient as time, in ridges and hollows that seemed to stop clocks…continued the [Civil War’s] bloodshed over matters of passion and honor.” The feud leaves a dozen dead and more wounded.

Ka Tina

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