"Wish the ground would open up and swallow" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Simona Sergi

"Wish the ground would open up and swallow (one)" = chỉ muốn đất nứt ra và chui xuống -> nghĩa là ước gì có thể ngay lập tức thoát khỏi tình huống rất xấu hổ; 'chỉ muốn kiếm cái lỗ nẻ mà chui xuống'.

Ví dụ
He recalls team meetings from his days as a novice in the squad, when he’d wish the ground would open up and swallow him whole as his errors were highlighted in the company of players of the stature (vóc người) of Paul O’Connell and Ronan O’Gara.

Listen, come here and let me give you a hug. It’s OK. It will all be OK. I promise you that. But first, you’re going to need to go through some pretty horrible experiences. Stuff that will test you. Stuff that will (at times) make you wish the ground would open up and swallow you whole. Stuff that will make you cry into your pillow at night before bed. Stuff that will exhaust your soul.

Speaking of the impact of body shaming on her mental health, Juggun explained, “I had really bad postpartum (hậu sản) depression. I would wish the ground would open up and swallow me inside so when it closes, everything would end.” The celebrity disclosed that now she even walks in a way that her chest doesn’t appear “too big” to people. “Even when I walk now, I walk with a hunched back so that no one points out how big my chest is,” mentioned Juggun. “I don’t want to feel like this and no girl should feel this way.”

Ka Tina

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