"You can’t miss it" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Clint McKoy on Unsplash

"You can’t miss it" = không thể lỡ nó được -> nghĩa là rất dễ tìm, dễ thấy.

Ví dụ
If you're looking for Muddy Tiger, you can't miss it: The truck is bright and bold, just like the food. There's usually a long line of people, too, meaning they are well on their way to accomplishing (hoàn thành) that mission. (Nicole Hvidsten)

Now, go all the way back to the grave near House Beneviento. You can’t miss it; it dominates (thống trị) the entire area. Beware the miniboss that will come crashing into the scene. After you defeat the monster, interact with the broken grave slab (tấm bia), and place the Broken Slab item. This will open the grave, and the Beneviento treasure, aka Berengario’s Chalice, is yours for the taking.

“Our library (thư viện) is underground, so as you’re coming down the stairwell (cầu thang), the waterfall cascades (đổ xuống) into the pool below,” said Lara Nesselroad, manager of UO Science Libraries and the Marine Lab Library in Charleston. “It’s big; you can’t miss it.”

It can be hard to describe nostalgia (hoài niệm), but you can’t miss it when you have it. The feeling can be summed up as a sentimental (tình cảm) longing for the past. A journey back in time to our “happy place” — whether real or imagined.

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