Hỏi thế mà lại đúng

'Nghĩ bằng cái đầu gì mà ngu thế?'

trí thông minh liên quan tới chất lượng tinh trùng, khoa học đã chứng minh...
Intelligence has previously been linked with sperm quality (chất lượng tinh trùng), an idea that may now be confirmed (giờ đã được xác nhận), as scientists have found the male brain (não đàn ông) and testes have a number of similarities.

A team of scientists, led by the University of Aveiro in Portugal, compared proteins from 33 tissue types and found testes and brains have more than 13,000 proteins in common, many of which are involved in tissue development and cell communication.

The investigation also found similarities in human neurons (tế bào thần kinh) and sperm, as they both undergo exocytosis: neurons use this process to pass neurotransmitters to each other and sperm uses it when fusing with an egg.

Exocytosis is the process that involves material inside a cell moving to an outside environment.

Tags: sex


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