Nhiều địa phương ‘phong thành’, thủ tướng phải lên tiếng

nhiều công chức coi chính sách giãn cách xã hội của chính phủ là cái cớ để đóng cửa tất cả dịch vụ là sao...

Until recently, I was of the view that the lockdown was over. In all its essentials, I thought, life had returned to normal on May 17, when hotels, theatres, gyms, cinemas and sports stadiums reopened. Yes, there were still some irksome (tẻ nhạt, gây cảm giác khó chịu) prohibitions (cấm đoán). You can’t hold a big wedding, enjoy a fortnight on the Spanish costas or sit unmasked on a train. But these things, it seemed to me, hardly merited the name “lockdown”, and I was relaxed about the precise date on which they would be phased out. I have since come to realise that, as long as the Government mandates (ủy trị) social-distancing rules of any kind, a certain kind of bureaucrat will see it as an all-purpose licence to cancel services.

Tags: economics

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