Anthony Fauci thật tào lao

khuyến nghị "phong tỏa" chỉ theo bản năng chứ không theo dữ liệu đáng tin cậy nào...

“I think now with Fauci’s emails . . . it’s pretty clear that a lot of this stuff was fly by the seat of your pants (dựa vào bản năng hơn là lập luận và kiến thức) guidance. This was not based on hard data,” DeSantis stated.

“This bureaucracy (quan liêu) needs to be brought to account. You can’t have a bureaucracy that’s just going out and issuing these rules on the fly. They literally said, ‘If you’re sunbathing on a cruise ship you have to wear a mask.’ Really? I mean, give me a break,” he added seemingly in critique of the CDC.

The governor criticized legacy media’s strict adherence to the accepted COVID orthodoxy (tính chất chính thống) in 2020 and neglect (phớt lờ, bỏ qua) of intellectual openness that might give way to other competing, compelling explanations. He lambasted (đánh quật, vật) the tech companies’ censorship (kiểm duyệt) of those who discussed the lab-leak (rò rỉ từ phòng thí nghiệm) hypothesis (giả thuyết) of COVID’s origin on the internet.

Tags: economics

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