Anthony Fauci thật kém cỏi

ko tin vào "phong tỏa" sẽ có tác dụng, nhưng vẫn khuyến nghị "phong tỏa",

khi các chuyên gia y tế khắp nơi trên thế giới gửi khuyến nghị, về việc bao nhiêu con người bị quấy nhiễu bởi công an (vì vi phạm lệnh phong tỏa), cần nói lời dỡ đi, thì không (dám) trả lời...

I generally get the sense of a lifelong bureaucrat who implausibly (không có vẻ hợp lý, không có vẻ thật, đáng ngờ) found himself as the world’s most influential (ảnh hưởng nhất thế giới) public-health official during the most dramatic upheaval (biến động đầy kịch tính) in public policy in generations (nhiều thế hệ). He didn’t entirely know what to do with his new-found influence. It’s shocking (thật kinh hoàng) to observe his complete lack of interest (hoàn toàn không quan tâm) in the health and economic consequences (hậu quả kinh tế) of lockdown policies (chính sách phong tỏa).

Maybe he believed they would work (có lẽ tin cách đó có hiệu quả) but it is hard to say because he was putting down (chỉ trích) the idea (ý tưởng này) as late as February 25:

“You cannot avoid having infections (không thể tránh bị nhiễm) since you cannot shut off the country from the rest of the world,” he wrote to CBS News. “Do not let the fear of the unknown…distort your evaluation of the risk of the pandemic to you relative to the risks that you face every day…do not yield to unreasonable fear.”

A few days later, he was pushing virus suppression (chặn (bệnh...); triệt (tiếng ồn...)) via closures, human separation, and travel restrictions, while finding a good friend in “unreasonable fear.” Medical professionals from around the world wrote to him and begged him to stop this, that people were being bullied by cops all over the world in the name of a virus control method that could not and would not work. He read these and did not answer them.

Tags: economics

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