Nguy hiểm thế

dùng nắp đậy toa-lét đánh người...
At 7:38 p.m. officers responded to reports of assault at the Shakopee Inn, 511 Marschall Road. Upon arrival, they found the victim (nạn nhân), who was covered in blood with a laceration (vết xước) on top of his head. The officers were unable to determine the extent of the victim’s injuries “due to the amount of blood covering his face, head and neck.”

The victim repeatedly told officers Howard tried to kill him and said he and Howard were drinking together at the hotel before the attack. The victim said all of a sudden, Howard took a “table” and smashed it over his head, and also tried to stab him in the face with the glass.

When officers entered the room in which the alleged assault occurred, they found Howard, who was slumped on the floor against a wall. The floor and walls were covered in blood, according to the complaint. Officers found a toilet tank cover that had been broken in two. One of the pieces had blood on it and was in the bathtub (bồn tắm).

Bài trước: Công chức thế
Tags: funny

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