"Coffee and Danish" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Alex

"Coffee and Danish" -> nghĩa là cà phê uống với bánh ngọt Danish (Đan Mạch).

Ví dụ
“I thought about all the nurses we have here and those who live here who were nurses,” she said during a conversation over coffee and danish inside the facility’s gazebo (ban công).

“Whether that is speaking to loved ones, reading a book or simply taking a few moments in the morning to unwind and enjoy a coffee and Danish pastry (bánh ngọt), it’s important to find something which leaves you feeling cosy and content to help your wellbeing.

Because Kolya has so much material, he starts every class punkt (exactly) at 6:30. This can be challenging for some professionals, and today, two people wander in closer to 6:45: Shaye, a psychotherapist, whose makeshift (tạm thời) dinner of coffee and danish sends a sweet smell into the classroom air and Mark, a young South African doctor. Mark is one of a handful of us who studied Yiddish formally in their youth. The rest of the class either heard it at home or took it up in adulthood. Most of us stumble our way through efforts at grammatically correct conversation with our English thoughts quicker than our verb conjugations (sự kết hợp).

Ka Tina

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