"Common-and-garden" nghĩa là gì?

"Common-and/or-garden" -> nghĩa là chẳng có gì khác lạ, bình thường, điển hình.

Ví dụ
The going was a bit softer than some inferred from the times because of this, but less than your common-and-garden heavy.

This often means that they have to work with the household vendors that their vendor risk management and procurement teams are most comfortable with. The procurement cycle is also long, drawn out and painful for any small FinTech that needs to get revenue in the door as fast as possible. Partnerships do happen, but the “start-ups” I see in this realm tend to have been around a decade or more—not exactly your common or garden variety FinTech start-up.

If lockdown drudgery (lao dịch) means you’re looking for a bit of variety, though, you’re also catered for. Over 21 series and 126 episodes, its writers have found all sorts of ways to bump characters off. There are your common-and-garden shootings, stabbings and blunt-force-traumas, but they also branch out. Some especially choice slayings have included drowning in a bowl of hard-boiled eggs, being smeared with truffle oil to encourage fatal mauling by wild boar, and crushing by tank, newspapers and a giant wheel of cheese.

Ka Tina

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