Các biện pháp mạnh để chống dịch Covid-19

các dịch bệnh khác có đẩy lùi được đâu, HIV, sốt rét... và cũng có cần "biện pháp mạnh" đâu...

“We’re still in a state of emergency (tình trạng khẩn cấp),” Newsom said Friday. “This disease has not been extinguished (dập tắt). It’s not vanished (biến mất). It’s not taking the summer months off.”

Many diseases have not been extinguished or vanished, but it would be absurd for a governor to take near-complete control to respond to all of them. New COVID-19 cases and deaths in California have plunged to levels that can be managed without the governor’s intrusive involvement.

Tags: economics

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