"Harvest moon" nghĩa là gì?

"Harvest moon" = trăng mùa thu hoạch -> nghĩa là hiện tượng trăng tròn, sáng tỏ khi trời chuẩn bị sang thu; bắt nguồn từ xưa khi chưa có điện, nông dân phải nhờ đến ánh trăng để thu hoạch.

Ví dụ
Depending (phụ thuộc) on where you live worldwide, the upcoming full moon will fall on October 1 or 2, 2020. For the Northern Hemisphere, this full moon counts as our Harvest Moon (full moon nearest the September equinox) and the first full moon of the autumn season. 

Full moon comes on September 16, 2016, and, for the Northern Hemisphere, this upcoming full moon is known as the Harvest Moon. It’s a particularly close and large (to lớn) Harvest Moon, which some will call a supermoon (siêu trăng). And the September 16 moon will undergo a very subtle kind of eclipse known as a penumbral (nửa tối) eclipse, visible from the world’s Eastern Hemisphere.

Typically, for several nights around the Harvest Moon, there will be bright moons ascending (mọc lên) in the east, around the time of dusk. It’s as though, in the month of the Harvest Moon, we have a full moon for several nights in a row.

Ngọc Lân

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