"Have an inkling" nghĩa là gì?

"Have an inkling" có inkling là qua loa, mơ hồ -> cụm từ này nghĩa là có hiểu biết qua loa, kiến thức bập bõm.

Ví dụ
That sounds like the opening of a rom-com (hài kịch tình cảm), but writer-director Christian Petzold, whose Transit likewise starred Beer and Rogowski, has something more unusual in mind. Those who know what an undine is might have an inkling of an idea.

Now you go in there and tell these kids that this course (khóa học) requires hours and hours of homework each night and that they had better be eager to work their tails off, that is, if they are ver going to have an inkling of a chance to earn a decent score on the AP Exam.

The men who play for England against Austria will do so thinking this is their opportunity (cơ hội) to mark Gareth Southgate’s card. When you join up with a squad as a player, you already have an inkling of how the manager is going to go and which players will be in his starting XI at the tournament.

It was easy to mock, with many unaware of the behind the scenes management that continued to hinder the project. Then it launched - and I have an inkling that you know the rest.

Ngọc Lân

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